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Lean Safe Ladders

Leaning step ladders, also known as leaning ladders, are a type of ladder that leans against a wall or other vertical surface for support, rather than being freestanding. They are designed with a wide base that provides stability when leaned against a surface, and they typically have non-slip feet or pads to prevent slipping or sliding. Leaning step ladders are commonly used for tasks such as painting, cleaning gutters, or accessing high shelves, and they are available in a range of heights and configurations to fit various needs. They are often made of lightweight materials such as aluminum or fiberglass, which makes them easy to transport and maneuver. Overall, leaning step ladders are a safe and practical tool for accessing elevated areas in residential, commercial, or industrial settings.

Step Ladder Ratings

Step ladder ratings refer to the weight capacity and duty rating of a step ladder. The weight capacity refers to the maximum weight that the ladder can safely support, including the weight of the user and any tools or materials they may be carrying. The duty rating refers to the ladder’s intended use and the amount of weight it is designed to support.

There are four main duty ratings for step ladders:

  1. Type IAA: These ladders are designed for heavy-duty industrial use and have a weight capacity of 375 pounds.
  2. Type IA: These ladders are also designed for industrial use and have a weight capacity of 300 pounds.
  3. Type I: These ladders are suitable for heavy-duty commercial use and have a weight capacity of 250 pounds.
  4. Type II: These ladders are suitable for medium-duty commercial use and have a weight capacity of 225 pounds.

It’s important to select the right ladder rating for the task at hand to ensure safety and prevent accidents. Exceeding the weight capacity or duty rating of a ladder can cause it to fail, leading to serious injuries.