Aluminum Fixed Ladders

Industrial Ladder’s aluminum fixed ladders are manufactured to comply with OSHA and ANSI A14.3 regulations. We have these available in both 20″ and 24″ widths. Additional options available include “p” shaped walk through handrails, vertical square tube handrails, step off platforms, safety cages, security doors, longer wall brackets, fall protection ladder safety systems, and ladder up safety posts.

Exterior Aluminum Fixed Ladders for Roof Access

Exterior Access Ladder


  1. What are the safety standards for fixed ladders?
    1. Design and construction: Fixed ladders must be designed and constructed to support their intended loads without failure. They must be made of non-combustible materials such as steel, aluminum, or fiberglass and have appropriate rung spacing, rung width, and other dimensions.
    2. Load capacity: Fixed ladders must be capable of supporting at least two loads of 250 pounds each, concentrated between any two consecutive rungs.
    3. Anchorage and support: Fixed ladders must be securely anchored to a building or structure.
    4. Safety devices: OSHA standards require fixed ladders over 24 feet in height to have ladder fall arrest systems. These devices must be designed and installed to prevent falls and minimize the risk of injury. Cal/OSHA requires fall protection on ladders that are 20′ or greater.
    5. Access and egress: When using a fixed ladder to access a mezzanine or platform through walk through handrails, the ladder must have handrails that extend a minimum of 42″ above the walking working surface that you are accessing with the ladder. When accessing the mezzanine or platform by side stepping from the fixed ladder, you must extend the ladder 48″ past the walking working surface that you are accessing.
    6. Ladder Rung: The ladder rung shall allow the climber to maintain a power grip when climbing. Round rungs are preferred for fixed ladders but it is also acceptable to have square rungs. The rungs must be slip resistant. This typically means they will be deeply serrated allowing both hand and foot traction.

    These are just a few of the safety standards that must be met for fixed ladders. It’s important to check with your local regulatory body to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and standards.

  2. What is ANSI A14.3?
    1. ANSI A14.3 is a safety standard established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for fixed ladders, including individual-rung ladders, wall ladders, and spliced ladders. This standard specifies requirements for design, construction, testing, use, and care of fixed ladders installed in commercial and industrial facilities to ensure worker safety.
  3. Is it better to design a fixed ladder using steel material or aluminum?
    1. Different materials have different pros and cons for fixed ladders. Aluminum will maintain a high strength while also being much more lightweight than steel. Aluminum is more resistant to corrosion. Steel will be stronger but much heavier. Aluminum fixed ladders are becoming more widely used as the lightness makes them easier to install and the corosion resistance makes them longer lasting.
  4. At what height is a fall protection device required?
    1. OSHA standards require fixed ladders over 24 feet in height to have ladder fall arrest systems. These devices must be designed and installed to prevent falls and minimize the risk of injury. Cal/OSHA requires fall protection on ladders that are 20′ or greater.

If there is anything ladder, roof or scaffolding related, we will have it. Our goal is to make we provide anything our customers need to complete the job with quality and safe equipment. We keep a healthy stock of all our products and can deliver almost anywhere. Please make sure you don’t forget to check out our Roof Hatches, Extension Ladders and Scaffolding.